Sunday, July 1, 2012

Salad with strawberries and mozzarella

20 strawberries
200g mozzarella
3-4 lettuce leaves
1 lemon
10-20 mL. soy sauce
20 ml. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Wash and cut strawberries in halves.
Cut mozzarella into small cubes and try to be equal in size. To prepare dressing, mix in a small bowl of soy sauce, olive oil, seasoned with spices. Squeeze lemon and add it to salad dressing.
In a suitable pan wilt the lettuce, arrange it on sliced ​​strawberries, mozzarella cubes and toss with dressing.

Optionally, you can replace lettuce with arugula leaves or fresh spinach and add to salad roasted walnuts.Enjoy the salad!